Residents' Society

Keeping Addison a great
place to live

As part of our commitment to creating enduring environments we have identified a need to ensure that Addison continues to deliver a sense of pride for its residents. This page outlines the role of the Addison Residents’ Society (ARSI) in protecting your investment and keeping Addison a great place to live.

The Residents' Society exists primarily to serve its members, who are the owners of properties within Addison, and to maintain the standards set in the Master Plan for Addison. We have a Constitution and a set of Rules that all Members must follow to ensure our Community stays looking great for years to come.

Addison Residents' Society Committee

The Addison Residents’ Society committee is made up of volunteers who are appointed annually and who administer the society. The committee meets monthly and is responsible for overseeing the day to day operations within the development. The committee as per it’s requirement under the Constitution appoints a manager to administer the Society.

New committee members are welcome. Find out more by contacting the manager at

Learn more


How do you benefit?
• Addison’s average house prices have grown faster than surrounding areas reflecting the quality of Addison’s built environment and well maintained parks and commons. 
• Having the Society in place has allowed Addison to develop more community parks for everyone’s enjoyment. 
• The Society protects the ‘look’ and standards of Addison into the future. Your investment is protected and Addison will remain a quality suburb.
• As a paying member you get to vote on how part of the money is spent every year at the AGM.
What does the Addison Residents’ Society do?
The ARSI committee is made up of volunteers appointed annually who administer the society, respond to residents’ queries and maintain the high standard of living that we all enjoy. The Society contracts a manager to:

• Ensure that covenants are complied with. 
• Maintain commonly owned areas as agreed by the committee. 
• Ensure street lights are operating. 
• Manage the removal of graffiti. 
• Collect annual membership fees.  

The manager is currently Barfoot & Thomspon Body Corporate Ltd.
What will membership cost?
The membership fees are reviewed and set at the annual general meetings for the upcoming year. For further information and details on the current fees please contact Barfoot & Thompson Body Corporate
Who can be members?
All owners from Stage 2 onwards are required to be members of the Society. This is enforced  through an Encumbrance that is registered on the title. All new owners sign a Deed of Covenant, which states that the owner of the property agrees they will abide by the Constitution of the Society and in turn help to keep Addison looking great.
What happens when you sell your home?
When you sell your home, you or your Solicitor are required to ensure that the purchaser signs, a Deed of Covenant. This is so the new owner will be responsible for taking over the payment of Society Levies. This normally takes place when the purchaser settles the property. The signed Deed of Covenant should then be forwarded to Barfoot & Thompson Body Corporate Ltd so the members register can be updated. This procedure will ensure that you aren’t liable for any future fees. 
What is the purpose of the covenant?
The purpose of the Covenant is to maintain the neighbourhood’s appearance and to get the best from the shared green areas. The Covenants are permanent and registered on the title of each property. They are applied throughout the development for the benefit of the development and to protect your investment.
Is the Addison Residents Society responsible for Security?
Under the Constitution, the Society is responsible for maintaining common Grounds, Community Activities and enforcing Bylaws and Covenants. The residents are responsible for their own security.
Can the Society look into installing CCTV's?
The Society doesn't own any land therefore the cameras have to be installed on either the Council land or Private properties. The Society cannot install cameras on private properties due to legal and privacy issues. The cost to install the cameras are too high due to too many entrances and exits within Addison, and then the question of who would monitor them?
How can we stop people from breaking into cars?
The residents have been advised that everyone needs to be more vigilant in the area. People need to make sure that they do not leave valuables in plain sight in cars and not leave doors wide open as it is inviting burglars to steal personal items. People also need to make sure their cars are alarmed, and where possible parked in their garages.
What do I need to do if I want to install a Pergola?
Under the Covenant, no outdoor structures are allowed to be constructed however Society has given an exception for pergolas. Prior to the construction, the Pergola designs need to be approved by the Society based on the guidelines from McConnell Property. Please contact to submit your plan and specifications for approval.
Who is responsible for maintaning the grass berms in front of my house?
The council encourages owners to mow the grass berms. If owners refuse to mow, the council will eventually mow them but the timing and frequency is at the council’s discretion. In order to maintain the neighbourhood’s appearance, we would encourage all owners to mow the berms. It takes only few extra minutes and the whole society would benefit from it.
What happens when there is a breach of covenant?
Should a Covenant be breached or otherwise not-observed, a written notice can be made to the owner. The owner will pay $100 for each day the breach continues after 30 days of notice (liquidated damages), in addition to Addison Development’s estimate of any other / actual damages suffered.
What can I do to help the society?
We all have an important role to play to look after our Society and people around us. We encourage you to become involved in community building activities so that Addison Society continues to be a great place to live, where people know their neighbours and look out for each other. If you have any ideas or would like to be more involved then please contact us at
What else is happening within our Community?
There is a lot of work happening in the background to bring our Addison Community together. After a difficult 2020 due to Covid-19, there is a lot of focus on community initiatives which will help us bring everyone together. We are also working closely with the Neighbourhood Support with an aim to have a support group for each stage in Addison to create a safe environment and help reduce crime.

Would you like to know more?

Barfoot & Thompson takes care of the administration of the Committee. Please email your enquiries to and they will make sure your question is answered promptly or pass it on to the right people if more detail or consideration is needed.

Barfoot & Thompson Body Corporate
P O Box 78-397
Grey Lynn
Auckland 1245
Ph:  09 834 8425
Mob:  027 2000 653

Residents Constitution
Addison Covenants
Deed of Covenant
Design Guidelines for Addison
Covenant (Rules) - Stage 2
Covenant (Rules) - Stage 3
Covenant (Rules) - Stage 4 to 8